New film "Six Blocks
Shape Films, LLC presents an exciting new film project. The film "Six Blocks Wide" is a touching story about wisdom, courage, and love.
The film was shot in Birmingham, Alabama.
One old woman and a young girl challenge a drug lord's grip on a small community.
A drug dealer attempts to seize control of a small neighborhood by shooting a young girl's closest friend. As Faye tries to make sense of what happened, the thug and his entourage arrive at her doorstep and threaten Gran, the community's matriarch.
The drug lord won't hesitate to kill a stubborn old woman or a frightened child if that's what it takes to maintain his control, yet Faye and Gran are all that stand between him and their six-block world.
"Six Blocks Wide" takes on the difficult choices left when the enemy holds all the cards.and the guns. The neighborhood is small, but it is where Faye was born and has lived all her life and where Gran has rocked in peace on her front porch and kept the raveled edges of the world from fraying. The only weapons left to Faye and Gran are wisdom, courage, and love.
Written by Teresa K. Thorne, a writer in Birmingham,
Alabama whose previous publications include short stories,
essays and poetry in "Aoife's Kiss," "Synergy," "Alabama
Anthology," and the "Birmingham Arts Journal." Her work
has won awards at the Alabama Writer's Conclave, Magic City
Writer's Contest, Del-Rey's Online Writer's Contest, the
Sidewalk Film Festival's SideWrite Contest, "On the Premises"
mini-story contest, the Eugene Walters Writers Festival
William March Short Story Competition, and the Eugene Walters
Writers Festival Termite Hall Screenplay competition. She
has just finished a science fiction novel,
Snow Dancers
of Veld.
Shape Films is very enthusiastic in promoting Birmingham's
support for independent filmmaking. We believe that
this film will not only promote a powerful message for the
community but also be beneficial in projecting an image
of Birmingham as a city that embraces new, ever changing possibilities
for art.
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