Moving Picture Magazine:
"Put yourself in Karl Malnek's shoes
(no laces if you please) and imagine being thrown into
prison for a crime you didn't commit and now, 20 years
later, you're finally released only to be sent to the
trial you never had. Don't think the crazy train stops
there, because not only is your judge blind and the prosecutor
is your only defense, but your very own public attorneys
- who are, respectively, deaf and mute - are the ones
pointing the finger of accusation at you.
Confused? Well, you're in good company with Karl, who,
after his wrongful incarceration, has been given the opportunity
to commit the crime he never did. If you're going to be
convicted of robbery, why not get the spoils - right?
High Expectations, Shapochka's farce of the U.S. judicial
system is full of offbeat humor guaranteed to entertain
and leave audiences feeling just as confounded as poor
Wade on Birmingham:
"This dark and clever film shows justice finally
being served. A prisoner finishes out his 20-year sentence,
only to wind up in court to stand trial for robbery of
a jewelry store and the murder of the security guard.
It's a Wonderland kind of world, as his court-appointed
attorneys (one deaf, one mute) vigorous proclaim his guilt.
Having read the script awhile back, I was still intrigued
as to what would become of this dazed man, caught in his
own Kafka-esque trap. The best of the block."
Reviewed by Wade Kwon
"A couple of local filmmakers make it to the big leagues of film recognition in France..."
CBS 42 News
Best Dark Comedy Award Winner - New York International
Independent Film Festival
Platinum Remi Award Winner - 40th Annual WorldFest Houston
Honorable Mention Winner - The Accolade Film Award 2007
Official Selection:
The Cannes Film Festival's Short Film Corner
DigiFestival, Florence, Italy
The Maryland Film Festival
Around The Coyote Festival, Chicago
LA Shorts Fest
Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival
SURGE! The Third Annual International (S.U.R.G.E.) Film Festival
Learn More...
Official Website:
"High Expectations" at IMDb: